China Engineering Inspection Services

Administrator/ October 22, 2020/ News/ 0 comments

China Inspection Service and Project Management

China engineering inspection services.- Industrial manufacturing encompasses a wide range of activities within the commercial environment, because it covers everything from engineering, procurement or supply, development and manufacturing, and to quality assurance and control activities, combined with pre-dispatch monitoring. The fabrications cover many fields from machinery, industrial equipment, vehicles, pharmaceutical sector, steel structures, among others; covering specialties of Mechanics, Welding, Electricity, Instrumentation and Civil. The issue of manufacturing can become a complicated issue for companies because it entails a great responsibility in the fact that it needs supervision and control by specialized personnel and requires compliance with certain technical specifications and international standards, covering fields such as quality, health and safety, considering that many times these laws and technical specifications are international.

The industrial world is having significant changes and rapidly with globalization and regulation in certain aspects, in addition the trend is to manufacture in China and countries in Asia such as South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan or Japan. That is why every day companies need the engineering inspection service in China, in addition to the quality supervision and control service in China, all that summarized in the service productive projects management in China and Asia.

This time we want to address the issue of industry and factories of various materials such as steel and its alloys, as well as other specialties such as the fields of electricity and instrumentation, which have a fairly delicate manufacturing process, following international technical specifications and standards . As we know it is about manufacturing periods that extend for certain weeks and even months, depending on the branch or specialty and the time it takes to manufacture certain products or wait for certain supplies. It is because of this type of aspects that it leads us as a company to offer a service of construction supervision, quality control and traceability monitoring of the entire manufacturing and work process of its suppliers in China and throughout Asia. This service is provided in any city and locality in China or any country of Asia that is required, we guarantee strict compliance with the specifications and technical standards that are requested from the chosen factories.

Supplier inspection service, manufacturing management in China, technical audits of suppliers in China, quality assurance service in China will support different industries around the world. Our knowledge, experience and improvements provide customers with security and quality in their products and processes.

Our company is in charge of serving as your company's representative supervisor to any factory responsible for the manufacture of materials such as steel structures, electrical and electronic equipment, industrial machinery, motors, pumps, welding work and in various fields. You can entrust us with all the critical issues of your business so that they comply with the planning, standard, quality and goals you set.

We have a global network of inspectors and expert supervisors, with extensive experience for this inspection service work in China, as well as trained engineers who are exclusively responsible for manufacturing project management and construction project management, in addition to management of productive projects, so that adequate monitoring and quality control is carried out to the manufacturers chosen during the construction and manufacturing process.

Our company offers you a specialized service in all the procedures that must be carried out to meet the objectives of the project smoothly, whether it is raw material or finished products that will be sent for installation. As a company specialized in this subject, we understand everything about the most important points of this business, such as tests, certifications, inspection and verification.

Our proactive nature in the work means that we are the eyes and presence of your company in the supplier, making us take care of your interests from the first moment until completing the project.

If you have any questions or would like a quote, click here

China engineering inspection services


China inspection services

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